ISO 9001 | ISO 45001 | ISO 14001
ISO 22000 | ISO 22716 | ISO\IEC 27001 & Others
Certification Mark
EU CERTIFICATION PTE LTD ensures appropriate use of logos and accreditation marks.
This procedure applies to organisations registered by EU Certification Pte ltd.
Logos and Marks for Use
• The EU Certification Logo(s) shall only be used by the certified organisation and shall always be used in conjunction with the organisation’s name, address, certificate number and in connection with the scope(s) listed in the Certificate. A softcopy of EU Certification Mark/Logo(s) and accreditation Marks shall be provided upon registration of the Certificate.
• The EU Certification Logo(s) and accreditation marks may be used on letterheads of the organisation, in advertisements and materials used for advertising and promotion of the organisation. The organisation shall identify the processes to which the Certificate applies when using the Marks in a context where the scope of the certification is in doubt.
• The certified organisation shall amend its use of certificates, marks and references to its certification status if it has been advised via a Notice of Change of the Certificated Status that its scope of certification has been reduced or amended.
• The certified organisation should desist from the use of certificates, marks or from making reference to its certification status if (i) it is not in good financial standing with ASCB and (ii) if it has received a Notice of Change of the certification status for suspension of certificate.
• The certified organisation in the receipt of a Notice of Change of certification status of withdrawal of certificates shall advise its stakeholders and other parties with reasonable interest , such as trading partners, customers, registration agencies, and/or government agencies that their certificates has been withdrawn.
• The Marks/Logos must not be directly applied on the organisation’s product and its packaging or be associated with the organisation’s product in such a way as to imply that the product itself is certified by EU Certification Pte Ltd or the Accreditation Body.
• The Marks/Logos shall not be applied to laboratory test, calibration, inspection equipment, inspection reports, ambiguous certificates or any reports. A certified organisation should seek clarification with EU Certification Pte Ltd should areas of ambiguity arises in applying the Marks/logos.
• Each certified organisation is given a Certificate, which will indicate the Marks/logos allowed for use.
• A certified organisation may use the given Accreditation Mark. However, the Accreditation Mark must be used together with the respective certification Mark. The Marks/logos are to be positioned side by-side.
• EU Certification Pte Ltd. reserves the rights to make amendments to this set of instructions and customers will be informed via written notice of any significant changes.
• The organisation shall discontinue immediately the use of the Marks/Logos upon expiry or revocation of the Certificate, or for whatever reason(s) as decided by EU Certification Pte Ltd. EU Certification Pte Ltd. shall take suitable action against an organisation if the use of the Certificate of Quality / Environmental / OHSAS system registration and/or mark/logos is not in compliance with this procedure.